Rin as a Martian superhero

Fb-cover-sm It's here. This is it. The week forest born emerges into the bright (smiling? unforgiving?) light of the world! Tuesday is the official day, though I'm getting reports from all over the readers now have the purple book in their hot little hands.

A note on the cover--so many of you want to know if there will be an Alison Jay cover to match the original Bayern paperbacks. There are no current plans. I am sorry about this, and am actually looking into the possibility of commissioning a painting myself, designing an alternate book jacket, and posting it here for people to download and wrap around their book, if they wish. I love the forest born cover, but I also love the originals and I understand the desire to have all the hardcovers in a series match. But there will not be an Alison Jay version for sale. Hopefully the story itself will overcome any worries about the cover! Also, there is no release date yet for a UK/Australian version.

Publisher's Weekly did an interview with me about the new book. Note that there are some minor river secrets and forest born spoilers.

While writing this book, I was struggling with character. So my husband Dean suggested a character exercise that I'd somehow never considering doing before (which seems silly now...I mean, doesn't everyone do this?). He said, "Who would Rin be in the Justice League?"

So, okay, I bit. And I went through the core members of the Justice League and assigned them all my major Bayern characters. Of course their personalities and powers aren't exact, but these are the best nearest fits.

Rin - Martian Manhunter
Isi - Superman (Dean thinks Red Tornado is more likely--but I say no to Isi as robot)
Enna - Wonder Woman (Dean votes for Fire, the Brazilian superhero)
Finn- Batman
Razo - Green Arrow
Dasha - Flash (I know, Aquaman seems more likely, but this just felt right)
Geric - Green Lantern


Forest Born crowning

