Pies and prizes

Dean and I are coming your way this weekend, Southern California! See my events page for details. I've had many requests to extend the tour to other areas of California and other states. I wish I could! That's not in my power. It's up to my publisher where I go, and I have to limit the tours overall due to the smallish children who inhabit my house.

Please keep voting on the rapunzel's revenge book trailer contestants through Feb 25. I am so glad I don't have to select the winner myself...however, I am in the hot seat for the actor and the housewife book club contest.

This was really, really hard. So many lovely, touching, funny, and just stand out entries. The photos were great. Many groups incorporated pies into their meeting. One group served all kinds of homemade pies--shepherd's pie, pizza pie, etc., as well as a dozen different desert pies. Another made pies then in the tradition of Becky Jack, delivered them to neighbors who just might need the comfort of a homemade pie. Sweet!

One group of ladies dressed as stereotypical housewives, with hairs in curlers, cream-on-face, bathrobes, etc., and above them hung a whale made of cardboard and construction paper (a book reference -- awesome!). Another had a potluck, and the menu was typical Mormon food.
Funeral Poatoes
Green Jello with carrots and without
Sprite with Sherbet
Iceberg Salad (from a bag, served with Ranch)
Fruit Pie
Fruit Crisp
Lion House Rolls
Hawaiian Bread

This had me laughing. I love it! And seriously, funeral potatoes are SO good. They're called that because after a funeral, in Mormondom, the women in the neighborhood typically make a big lunch for the extended family of the deceased, and someone always tends to bring a cheesy, saucy potato casserole. But hey folks, don't wait for a death in the family to try this at home! And I happen to be a fan of Jello, but I can't eat it with the carrot shavings. Makes me gag.

So many invented great games and ideas to get everyone talking. I was touched by the discussion accounts and feel so grateful to have such open-hearted readers who were willing to go on this book journey with me, even when it wasn't quite what they expected, or in some cases, approved of.

And now the winner...because it was impossible for me to judge the actual book group meetings, I judged on presentation alone. And the entry from kategory.org was very clever. As Becky did in the book, each lady wrote up her own information, if it had appeared in the fictional celebrity magazine Exclusive! The pictures are darling and funny, and I laughed and felt like I knew you. Email me privately and I'll get your mailing address and send you those hard-earned book prizes!

Thanks, everyone who entered! You are all darling. Now I really want some pie...


My kingdom for some time


Rapunzel's Revenge book trailer contest: Vote now!