My kingdom for some time

Whew! I guess you can tell by my sparse posting lately that I've been busy. Life stuff, not worth going into. Usually I don't allow anything to get in the way of regular writing, but I've done very little in the past 3 weeks. It doesn't matter how many books I've published or how much fan mail I get, if I'm not writing regularly, I don't feel like a writer. I'm hoping this week I can get in a full 1000 words/day of Midnight in Austenland, with a goal to finish the first draft this month. 20k more words should do the trick. Then on to rewrites!

I'm going a little crazy because there are so many projects I want to work on, not the least of which is rewrites of Daisy Danger Brown. When shall I have the time? When oh when?

The California trip was wonderful. Dean and I have done appearances together locally, and then there was the Today Show stint, but this was our first tour together. It was amazing! Kids didn't come, and it was the first time since...forever, it seems, that we woke up in bed in the morning on our own, without little kids demanding breakfast and fleeing from diaper changes. I love sharing a stage with him, I love that this can be something we do together instead of my own little thing. Those shockingly familiar with our "interpretive movement" routine might have fled in terror from our performance at the Southern California Independent Bookseller's children's lit dinner. Lots of school visits and several cool bookstores, and the trip was all around great. My camera was on the fritz so I don't have photos to share, but my love to all the wonderful fans who came out!


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