Fall 2010, new from Shannon Hale...

Many have asked me what I'm currently working on now and when they can expect a new Shannon Hale work to come forth. I'm happy to announce that what I'm working on now will come to fruition as soon as this September!

This project has been a tough one for me. While books are often mentally and emotionally demanding, this particular project has been physically so. Sleepiness is common, general aches and such, as well as extreme nausea and vomiting. In the MFA program, they didn't warn me about the vomiting. You'd think I'd abandon this project and find a new one that allowed me to keep down my dinner, but that's never been my style. Once I start a project, I see it through the end. Especially this one. Oh most especially this one.

I should mention that this is in fact a collaboration between me and my husband Dean; but to be fair, although he has had some hand in this project, I am shouldering the brunt of the work. I can't really blame him. This particular project is one that requires more of my expertise and abilities. But secretly I believe that if given the opportunity to do more of the work, Dean would say, "No, no, really, you're so much better at it. I'll just sit here and be your support system." I should also mention that the other Hale, one Nathan, had no part in this collaboration. We love his work and his partnership, but this was a project Dean and I really needed to do alone.

About nine weeks into the project, as part of the research Dean and I consulted an expert on this topic and learned, much to our surprise, that the reason this particular project has been so much more physically taxing than the previous ones was because it is not one, but in fact, two. Well, slap me silly, I didn't see that one coming. Perhaps it's like my Daisy Danger dilemma--one long book with a slightly truncated story or a trilogy with a little more depth? Except with this project, it's not up to me to decide. "Congratulations!" people say. "Two! Well done!" But I can't take credit. Sometimes you control the projects, and sometimes they control you. I am not the master of this one--I am merely the host. And thank goodness it's not a trilogy.

I will keep you updated on the progress of the project. I can't name an exact release date yet, and am not yet even certain of the projects' genres let alone titles. And given the focus I'm putting on these projects, my other work and travel will likely slow down significantly. But some projects are just that important--masterpieces, life's work.  And all artists must bow to the whim of the Muse.


Hottest spring accessory: airline barf bag


Tasty graphic novel morsels