Hottest spring accessory: airline barf bag

Thanks, all, for the congrats as well as the bewilderment. I totally get bewilderment.

I'm back from Chicago and IRA. Here are a few crappy photos taken on phone cameras.


At TLA with the fabulous Karen Cushman! She authored two of my favs, The Midwife's Apprentice and Catherine, Called Birdy.I was so excited to meet her and literally devoured her latest, Alchemy and Meggy Swann. So much good reading lately, but more on that in another post.

With authors Robin Brande and Varian Johnson. We were at an authors and publishers reception and I'd snagged one of the room's only chairs, so when Robin and Varian came over to chat, they both kind of squatted on the floor before me. Someone thought it looked worshipful, so of course we played it up. Robin Brande was my first Squeetus Exclusive interview and Varian, it turns out, is a twin himself!

A wonderful event at Anderson's Bookshop in Naperville, IL. Look at the gorgeous people. And I didn't throw up on any of them! A few ladies drove a couple of hours from Normal, IL, and introduced themselves as "your Normal fans." I knew I had some!

And with my grandma Edith on her 99th birthday, just 'cause. Isn't she gorgeous?

It's always so great to travel and meet everyone, partake of their passion for reading and for life. I am relieved that was my last planned trip. The flights were tough on sicko me. I was supposed to go to ALA in DC in June till I found out that at 24 weeks pregnant, I will measure the same size as a woman carrying one baby is at 40 weeks. Holy horses. Not surviving a 5 hour flight and a convention center in a muggy city in that condition. Doctor said no way, Josefina.

So I'm looking at that last photo and wondering if I should go back to bangs.


To ban or not to ban


Fall 2010, new from Shannon Hale...