So, what's up with you?

I really appreciate the comments you've given over the last few posts. While many people feel passionately, I'm grateful we can express opinions respectfully.

So...I'm getting huge. I had no idea before getting into this  how different a multiples pregnancy is than a singleton. I'm feeling SO much better from the nausea! Which is a relief beyond words. But I'm still preggo, and my body naturally puts all priority on nurturing fetuses (feti? fetui?) leaving not much energy left for the mama. Yesterday I managed to make dinner (with Dean's help) then when we sat down to eat I was hit was such extreme exhaustion I started to fall asleep upright. I had to lie down while everyone else ate. And it was yummy tacos with perfectly ripe cantaloupe. My kids ate my cantaloupe. Demons. It's bizarre how completely taken over I feel. I'm 21 weeks and the gals are a'wigglin'. 

With the ticking time bomb in my belly, I have about three more weeks left in which I can run errands and clean out closets before my doc suggests I fine tune my impersonation of a couch potato. And three more months to finish a book before my life becomes one long sleepless dream. I spent a couple weeks going over Daisy Danger Brown and there's no chance I can get a final draft by September. It needs work, baby, and how.

But meanwhile, Midnight in Austenland is looking great! What a treat! After getting my first editorial letter from my editor last week, I really think I can finish a final draft before the beasties arrive. I'll still need to find time after that to go over the many copy edited and proofing passes, but hopefully there will be windows of sanity. Right? Right, fellow mothers of multiples? There will be some windows of sanity surely? I'll finish this draft (the third), let Dean read, rewrite 1-2 times, let a couple of writer friends read, rewrite 1-2 times, let my editor read, rewrite 2-3 times, and cross my fingers that only takes three months. It's tight, but we're going for it. My editor had a new baby this year and also has a pair of twin girls, so she's so wonderfully empathetic. 

So off I go. Goal for today's writing: make myself laugh.


"I knew he loved me when he hocked a logie at my face."


Warning: this post contains scenes of graphic violence and dangerous opinions