Ipod shuffle quiz

'Cause why not...a little lyrics quiz. See if you can name these tunes without googling! I'm randomly typing up lines from a few songs on my ipod mix. The first to get all right will be rewarded well in the next life, because I'm too lame to offer a temporal prize. I still haven't gotten to the post office to mail the boxes of books from January's contest winners. (They're here, boxed, ready, set....) I'll try to be fair with this and not do anything too obscure, though this probably favors the older set. (Who is Justin Beiber?) I know if Marcus Aurelius checks this he'll get them all because he's creepy good at this stuff. So the challenge: Get as many as you can before Marcus shows ups and cleans house.

1. It's poetry in motion, she turns her tender eyes to me

2. I can feel an angel walking next to me

3. Well it's a darn good life and it's kinda funny

4. My mama loves me, she loves me, she gets down on her knees and hug me

5. She's got apple bottom jeans and boots with the fur

6. It could hold eight kids, four hound dogs, and the piggie we stole from the shed

7. The stranger in my face says he knows my mom and went to my high school

8. All the boys think she's a spy

9. Everybody's gone in the cotton and the corn

10. My friends keep tellin' me that you ain't no good, oh but they don't know that I would leave you if I could


They loved science in the eighties


"I knew he loved me when he hocked a logie at my face."