Wonder Woman is a princess too

Sometimes your kids get a present for Christmas that you would have drooled over as a kid.

Check out her awesome cape!

My four-year-old and I were talking about princesses the other day. She says things like "All girls are princesses" and then when acting princessy will cover her mouth with her hands and do a very slow walk. I tried to bring up other qualites a princess might have and used the word "strong."

"Princesses aren't strong," she said.

"Hey, Wonder Woman is a princess. Princess Diana. And she's very strong."

Maggie pointed to a picture of Disney Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, etc., and said, "But these princesses aren't strong."

Dear DC Comics, I really think you're missing out on this princess craze in young girls. Where is our Wonder Woman movie? Where is our Wonder Woman tv show? Wonder Woman comics and books for kids? She's a princess! And she's awesome! Girls would go crazy for her, if they only knew who she was...and I'm finding, amazingly, that most lower elementary school kids don't. Come on, DC. You have Batman animated shows, Batman kids comics, as well as Batman movies and comics for adults. You can do both. Hey, I'll nobly offer myself as a writer for a Wonder Woman comic for young readers! Why, that's an offer you can't possibly refuse! Right? I mean, right? (Um...hello? Am I talking to myself again? How embarrassing...)


Happy little baby balls


Garrison Keillor wished me a happy birthday