Happy little baby balls

Lately my babies are reminding me of a four-year-old poem.

My Feet
A poem by Magnolia Jane Hale, age 4 months
Translated by the mother

Oh twin devils of allure
You temptresses two
Slyly wiggling there, just
Beyond my grasp
You ten toes, so like sausages
Begging to slip between my lips
You pigs, you dogs, you mutton chops
How you tantalize, how you tease
I reach out, but you squirm away
And then almost…almost…closer still…
Ah-ha! I seize you at last and find
My hands are just strong enough
To hold you
To pull you to my chest
To let you dance on my open mouth
My newest friends
My bestest toys
With you in my hands, I become
A happy rolling ball of




Becoming a writer witch


Wonder Woman is a princess too