Route: taken; Scenes: filmed; Hair: frizzed

With a print out of Google maps directions to clarify the route, I avoided the pitfalls of my evil GPS mistress and made it to set without incident today. AND the babies slept from 10 pm till I left in the morning, only waking twice in the night and going back to sleep fairly quickly. The second time I woke up to their noises and went into them, Wren was hands down, feet down, head down, bum up, the top of her head against the crib floor, looking back through her legs. Dinah was sitting up and sucking on her binky, calmly playing with a blanket. Oh, those girls! Those wonderful baby girls! When I got home from set yesterday, they'd been sitting on the floor singing songs and playing with our Kayla. When they saw me, they made loud screeches and grunts and sped-crawled toward me. It's an uncanny and marvelous sight, two babies crawling at you as fast as they can go. And when they got me, they pulled on my hair and ears and clutched my neck as if they just couldn't get enough of me. There's no love like baby love.

Really enjoyed watching the filming today. Amazing how I can see the same scene over and over again from different angles, different takes, and still enjoy it.

In darker news, apparently my voltage converter doesn't work, because my flat iron completely fried my hair. After washing it last night, I'm convinced it's a loss. I'm going to have to chop it all off, Rapunzel-style. I wonder if I there's someone on set who can do it for me. I normally have fine, very straight and usually quite soft hair. Now I look like Hermione Granger on a bad day. Sans the Hogwarts robe. And fine cheek bones and chin. And witch powers.


One week of Austenland


Austenland set, day 1