One week of Austenland

Katharine commented last post, "This is the first time since their birth that you talk about each of the twins separately (Wren did this, Dinah did that). They seem more like separate people now than one entity called "the twins."" Ack, do I ever call them "the twins" on this blog? I never speak like that in person. I think we call them "the babies" or "the little sisters" at home. The Twins sounds creepy somehow. The not talking about them separately was on purpose though. They're quite separate for our family, but on this blog, I'm always shy about giving too much information about my children. I show photos of babies until they're 2 or 3, but i've never identified which is which. I'm cautious about what I reveal about my family here. I'm pretty open and will likely tell you and everyone everything, so long as it's mine to tell. But I don't want to impose on anyone else's privacy. I'm a terrific secret keeper. And I never want to put anything in writing online that would make my children unhappy when they get older.

By the same token, I have to be very careful what I reveal about the movie making. I cannot be a spy on the set, listening in on conversations, observing, and then reporting here and turning my blog into a tabloid. I didn't blog for a few days, partly because honestly there was no time. I'm on set about 12 hours/day without internet, and when I'm home, I want to be with my babies, and as soon as they're asleep, so am I. But also because I wanted to sit back and digest for a few days and figure out how to be a blogger in this circumstance. I want to share with you my personal experience making a movie, because it's so fun for me and so unique! But I'll need to do it carefully, without reporting on what anyone else does or says. Should be a challenge! I'm up for it.

Please don't mistake my reticence for judgement. I'm extremely pleased with everything going on. And if you see me in person, I will no doubt gush for hours about an actor or prop or scenery or anything.

Keep your questions coming in the comments and I'll answer whatever I can. In response to some, yes, I have met some of the actors. After one very cute and sweet actor shared some chocolate with me, I felt I had to report it to my husband, because hey, he was cute and British and he gave me chocolate! There has to be some infidelity involved there. Dean of course was very understanding. He trusts me, of course, but I imagine he also feels secure knowing that he could beat up any of them if the need arose. Which it won't. (This cracks me up about guys--ask a guy you know if when they enter a room, they automatically take stock to see who they think they could beat up and who they couldn't. Seriously, I've been surprised by how many men do this!)

This is the first time I've had by myself, to just sit and be, for over a week. Babies are napping, Sunday off. It's nice. And it's nice that tomorrow I get to return to "work" again. Hey, after being virtually housebound for the past year, going anywhere is magical. But when "anywhere" is the Austenland movie set in England, I've been grinning so hard my cheeks hurt.


There are frogs in Austenland, too


Route: taken; Scenes: filmed; Hair: frizzed